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Author: Nikoletta Davou

I stand for women who yearn for more

I possess a keen sense of visual artistry and a certain elegance, which I know my patients long for. I consider myself a “medical ambassador” for women’s well-being.Your unique beauty is at the center of my work – my understanding of medicine and aesthetics is not about divine beauty, like the figures of Aphrodite and Adonis from Greek mythology, but about an individual, natural, more beautiful self. My patients find a better sense of life and a fresh, healthy, and attractive appearance through me. It’s a gift to accompany them on their journey to unique beauty,...

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The Basics of Rhinoplasty: What You Need to Know

A pretty nose is widely considered the epitome of symmetrical beauty. However, only few people are truly satisfied with their nose – be it because of a crooked position, its size, height or width. Some therefore consider a nose correction. What are the options for changing the shape and position of the nose? Why is the procedure so complex and how much does it cost? We would like to answer these frequent questions of our patients in detail in the following article and inform you comprehensively about rhinoplasty in advance. In doing so, I share with you the many years of experience...

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The Role of Biostimulators in Skin Rejuvenation

Rejuvenating your skin when it begins to sag and wrinkle due to age: Who wouldn’t want that? In fact, this has been a common procedure in aesthetic surgery for a while. As a cosmetic surgeon, I want to inform you in the following article about my consistently positive experiences with biostimulators for skin rejuvenation. What are biostimulators actually?Biostimulators are medical or cosmetic substances and procedures that we use in aesthetic surgery to stimulate the body’s own production of collagen, elastin and other important proteins in your skin. These substances...

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Breast lift vs. breast augmentation: What’s the difference?

Breast lift, also called mastopexy, and breast augmentation, are two different surgical procedures. Both aim to aesthetically improve your breast appearance, but for different reasons and with different methods.As an experienced plastic surgeon, I advise my patients in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of both treatments prior to a potential surgery and help them to choose the right method for their desired result. In the following article, I will explain the difference between breast lift and breast augmentation.What is a breast lift?The main goal of a breast lift (mastopexy)...

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Understanding the different types of liposuction

Liposuction is a medical skill. As an experienced expert in the field of liposuction, I know that for many patients this surgical procedure is also about regaining a loving view of their own body. The procedure supports both physical well-being and mental self-confidence. When I can help my patients regain self-love through liposuction, these are very special moments for me every time. I am happy if I can also help you achieve your goals and bring out your beauty. Together we will discuss and fulfill your personal desire for change.What is liposuction good for? Liposuction...

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Breast reduction: is it right for you?

Deciding on a breast reduction depends on a variety of factors: While some women are interested in breast reduction mainly for aesthetic reasons, for many other women physical discomfort plays an important role. Sometimes there is even a medical indication for the procedure.As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, I will advise you personally and help evaluate your individual situation reconciling it with your goals and expectations. Together we will discuss and make the best decision.Who is suited for breast reduction?When women have excessively large and heavy breasts, this circumstance...

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Botox vs. Fillers: Which is right for your wrinkles?

The development of wrinkles is part of the natural aging process: With increasing age, the production of the proteins collagen and elastin in the skin decreases. These provide the firmness and elasticity of the skin in younger years. Due to the decrease in these proteins, your skin becomes thinner and develops wrinkles at an older age. However, the intensity of wrinkles varies from person to person. While healthy lifestyle habits such as a healthy diet, good skin care, sun protection and not smoking help slowing down the skin aging process, other factors such as excessive sunbathing,...

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Debunked: common myths and misconceptions about plastic surgery

There is hardly a field in medicine about which so many prejudices and misconceptions exist as plastic surgery. The misunderstandings are mostly based on ignorance and simply myths, about which rarely anyone takes a standing. I therefore want to clarify for you: What is true about the plastic surgery myths?Myth 1: Plastic surgery is only for the richIn fact, it is a common belief that only wealthy people can afford surgical procedures from the field of plastic surgery. This is a myth, considering that there is a wide range of treatments that are accessible even for low budgets. In addition,...

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Aesthetic plastic surgery for aging gracefully: redefining beauty at any age

The aging process presents us with some changes and mental challenges: The process of aging gives us the opportunity to develop a positive view of the aging process, to accept it as a natural part of life and to treat ourselves with dignity and self-acceptance. At our clinic we speak about better aging rather than anti aging.How to redefine beauty in old ageLearning to focus on the positive aspects of growing older, rather than being focused exclusively on the negative or age-related changes, has been proven to make you happier as you age. The added wisdom, life experience and deeper...

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The time of unrealistic promises is over

Let’s talk about beauty: you come from Greece, the land of Aphrodite and Adonis. What does beauty mean to you?Well, these are figures from mythology. They are gods that were born from people’s dreams. I wouldn’t recommend any woman to take divine beauty as a model. Much more important is the feeling of self, whether a woman feels comfortable in her body regardless of ideals – or not. For me, a person who fascinates is beautiful. Not because they are wrinkle-free, but because they emphasize their personality. For me, individuality and naturalness are always at the...

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Before you decide on a treatment, you have the great opportunity for a personal consultation. Our goal is to care for you not only medically, but also from person to person.

Dr. Kelly® | Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine
by Dr. Kelly Vasileiadou

Luzernerstrasse 72
CH-6333 Hünenberg See

Mo – Fr 9 - 6.30 pm
Sa – So closed